

Family Business


Apparel, Shoes

Gender / Age

Women, Men, Kids

Made In


Designed In


Our vision began in 2006 with soft, sustainable basics, evolving into a brand of apparel you can wear anywhere, anytime. At the heart of our mission is a commitment to quality, ethical manufacturing and sustainable materials.
Our commitment to sustainability extends throughout all aspects of our brand. From our original designs to our fabrics to the factory floor, we are committed to leaving an innately smaller impact on our planet.
Responsible production starts in our factories, which uphold the highest certifications, thriving working conditions, and highest number of sustainable processes.
We are committed to transforming would-be waste into high-quality materials. Our fabrics are thoughtfully sourced, pesticide free and developed…

Thread 4 THought's entire design approach starts with sustainability. Clothes are made of organic cotton, recycled yarns, lenzing yarns and natural (linen & wool), dyed through a process that reduces water by 95% and they recycle 80% of their wastewater.  What's not to love? 

Carbon Neutral By


Sustainable Packaging


Product Recycling Program
