

Entrepreneur / Founder Owned


Apparel, Accessories

Gender / Age

Men, Women

Made In


Designed In


We seek to work with people who are in our industry because it is their passion - people who pursue perfection in their craft. To build alongside them has always been our mission.

We are a mission-driven brand. American Trench is a Philadelphia based fashion brand founded to bring forward the exceptional manufacturing that exists in the United States. This is both our brand bio and our mission statement. It describes who we are, what we do, and why we exist. The trench coat was the initial muse - but as our exposure to the manufacturing supply chain expanded, so did our vision.

Originally one of the companies asking many years ago, why aren't more apparel products made in America, this company went out and did something about it. 

Carbon Neutral By


Sustainable Packaging


Product Recycling Program
