

Entrepreneur / Founder Owned


Apparel, Accessories

Gender / Age

Women, Men, Kids

Designed In


Rugged aesthetics

After school, I moved to New York City and quickly found myself living for the weekends. I dragged my gear to the office countless times in hopes of catching an early train to the beach or the boat. Over the years, I found myself searching for goods that were simple and functional, but were also rugged enough to withstand my travels and outdoor adventures.

Sustainably minded

After spending years on the water, I was deeply affected by how much plastic and waste we would pull from the ocean. So we set out to develop high quality and timeless goods that promote the use of recycled materials. Every piece we make helps to reseed coastal oyster reefs that naturally filter seawater in the places we care about most...

We love Long Wharf's commitment to the ocean and their beautiful sweaters made of recycled oyster shells, recycled water bottles, and cotton or natural lambswool.  What an incredible combination of sustainable materials and craftsmanship.  

Carbon Neutral By


Sustainable Packaging


Product Recycling Program


Our Materials are approximately

60% sustainably sourced
50% recycled