

Entrepreneur / Founder Owned



Gender / Age


Made In


Designed In


We are a small team of product creators who thrive outdoors.

Based in Park City, Utah, we are surrounded and energized by amazing aspen grove covered mountains and cold snow-fed rivers. We are driven in our work and by our exploration of these wild places to help protect and conserve the wild, the land, the water.

In the beginning, we realized that there was a major problem to be solved. The household battery category was (and is) mostly single-use batteries. We knew there had to be a better way, for people and for the planet.

Advances in technology over the past 20 years have enabled us to create a battery that meets the needs of users without creating unnecessary waste.

We love Pale Blue's unwavering commitment to change the batter industry.  Designed in Salt Lake City, they offer well designed and made consumer batteries for all of your device needs.  Forget about having to constantly recycle and buy new batteries.  

Carbon Neutral By


Sustainable Packaging


Product Recycling Program
